- Ph.D. in History
- University of Missouri-Columbia
- M.A. in History
- University of Missouri-Columbia
Research Interests
Joyce Kreis
Intellectual Contributions
The French Revolution and the Socialist Tradition: Early French Communists (1)
John S Kreis
May 1, 2017
The French Revolution and the Socialist Tradition: English Democratic Socialists (2)
John S Kreis
May 1, 2017
The French Revolution: The Radical Stage, 1792-1794
John S Kreis
March 10, 2017
The Language of Politics: England and the French Revolution
John S Kreis
March 10, 2017
The French Revolution: The Moderate Stage, 1789-1792
John s Kreis
March 3, 2017
The Origins of the French Revolution
John S Kreis
March 3, 2017
The Medieval Synthesis and the Renaissance Discovery of Man
John S Kreis
December 20, 2016
The Medieval World View (1)
John S Kreis
December 20, 2016
The Medieval World View (2)
John S Kreis
December 20, 2016
Certifications and Licensure
November 9, 2017
CITI - Social & Behavioral Research - Basic/Refresher
Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI Program)
Awards & Honors
June 16,
2020 University Strategic Initiative – Catalyst – Learning Management System Migration
During 2020, the earner of this badge made significant contributions to the migration of courses to a new online classroom to improve user experience, promote student-to-student and faculty-to-student interaction, enable a robust mobile classroom, and further differentiate APUS as a leader in online learning.