Ms. Shawn Aker

Full-Time Assistant Professor, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math
Ms.Shawn Aker


M.S. in Information Technology Management
Touro University International

Positions Held

2002 - Present
Self-Employed Consultant
IT and Office Management Consultant
1987 - 1990
Us Army

Awards & Honors

June 16, 2021
2020 University Strategic Initiative – Catalyst – Learning Management System Migration
During 2020, the earner of this badge made significant contributions to the migration of courses to a new online classroom to improve user experience, promote student-to-student and faculty-to-student interaction, enable a robust mobile classroom, and further differentiate APUS as a leader in online learning.
June 2017
Outstanding Leadership
Association of IT Professionals (AITP)
June 18, 2016
Excellence in Teaching and Learning Award
Awarded the Excellence in Teaching and Learning award of the STEM department.