AMU is proud to be a participating institution in the Community College of the Air Force (CCAF) General Education Mobile (GEM) program. The GEM program is an initiative created by the Air Force to provide greater educational continuity and faster completion. As an approved-GEM school, AMU provides Air Force and Space Force students with general education courses needed to meet CCAF's degree requirements. The online courses listed below may be used to fulfill up to 15 credits of general education requirement for an Associate in Applied Science degree at the CCAF.
Approved GEM Courses

Oral Communication

Social Science
- CHFD220 – Human Sexuality
- ECON101 – Microeconomics
- GEOG101 – Introduction to Geography
- HIST101 – American History to 1877
- HIST102 – American History since 1877
- POLS210 – American Government I
- PSYC101 – Introduction to Psychology
- ANTH100 – Introduction to Anthropology
- SOCI111 – Introduction to Sociology
- ECON102 – Macroeconomics
APU Removes Barriers

All U.S. active-duty servicemembers, National Guard members, Reservists, and military families, (parents, spouses, legal partners, siblings, and dependents) are eligible for the Preferred Military Rate of $250/credit for undergraduate and master’s-level courses.
Ebooks for all undergraduate, doctoral, and Preferred Military Rate-eligible master’s-level students provided at no cost.
Undergraduate or Master's-level Application or Transfer Credit Fees.
Technology fee for all undergraduate courses. There is a technology fee of $85 for all master's-level courses.
Find Your Local Military Education Manager
If you cannot find a representative in your area, please email [email protected] or call
Mon - Thurs: 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ETFri: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. ET
Sat: 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. ET
Sun: Closed
Ready for Your Next Mission?
Air Force and Space Force students wishing to take a few general education courses at AMU, should select “Undergraduate Individual Courses” status when completing our admissions application. This allows you to register for any individual course as long as you meet the requirements for that course.
Steps to Get Started
Complete Admissions Requirements
After you submit your application, an admissions coach will walk you through the follow-up steps you need to get started.