Success Center

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Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile

Are you ready to make LinkedIn part of your career success story? Regardless of whether you’re an active or passive job seeker, there are numerous benefits to using this online networking platform in your job search!


Part 1: Photos & Headline

The top portion of your LinkedIn profile is prime real estate for introducing who you are as a professional and what you have to offer. Discover how your headshot, cover photo, headline, and “About” section can help attract recruiters and garner more connection acceptances.

Part 2: Dashboard & Activity

Your LinkedIn dashboard allows you to view your recent activity and see what’s getting attention in your network. By evaluating this information, you can tailor your strategy on what types of comments, posts, and articles to publish.

You also have the option to let recruiters know if you are open to new opportunities and what types of roles you’re interested in.


Part 3: Experience & Education

The content and media you choose to include within your “Experience”, “Education,” and “Licenses & Certifications” sections should represent the positions that interest you. Your goal is to concisely communicate your relevant and recent accomplishments and weave in the key words that reflect your skills. Be prepared to both add and remove content from your profile to better engage your audience.

Part 4: Skills & Endorsements

You have the option of identifying which skills and proficiencies are listed beneath your “Skills & Endorsements” section. Recruiters can view your skills list and compare it to job announcement for positions they’re looking to fill. Your network can also endorse you for the skills you select, which helps validate your strengths to potential employers.

Part 5: Connecting & Engaging

LinkedIn is an excellent career development and networking tool, but remember, it will be most effective when you remain active and engaged in the platform. this final video wraps up with a few words on establishing new connections and staying engaged in the platform.