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Preparing for Timed Tests

If you experience feelings of anxiety before a test, you are not alone. Some stress and anxiety before a test can be healthy, but too much has the potential to hinder one’s performance. This resource outlines some tools to assist in preparing for tests and setting yourself up for success!

Before the Test

Make a Plan
When a class starts, look through the syllabus and determine if there are any tests in the course. If there are, see when they are and build in studying time throughout the prior weeks. Plan for additional study time during the weeks when less assignments are due in preparation for the upcoming test.
Ask Questions
If there are topics you are struggling with, ask your instructor for help. They may be able to provide further clarification or additional resources to help you in understanding the information. The sooner you reach out, the more time you will have to fully comprehend the material before the test.
Create a Study Guide
Use your syllabus and course lessons to create a study guide for yourself. Determine the most important topics and review the course materials to include key points to remember. Sometimes instructors will provide students with sample questions or topics to focus on. Use any available resources to your advantage to help you prepare and feel more confident in your knowledge.

Test Time

Dedicate Time
Online courses can provide you with the flexibility to decide when you want to take a test within the designated time frame. However, this flexibility can serve be a hindrance for some students if proper planning is not implemented. Determine how much time you are allotted for the test and build it into your week’s schedule.
Prepare your Test Environment
Create a testing environment that will best meet your needs. Some students prefer to have music playing, while others need complete silence. If you live with others, ensure they are aware you are going to be taking a test and to be mindful of their noise level if this could serve as a distraction for you.
Remain Calm
Remind yourself that one test does not define your entire academic career. Focus on the moment and the test that is in front of you. If you do not know the answer to a question, skip it and move on to the next one. Other information throughout the test might remind you of the answer. If you begin feeling anxious, take the time to do a quick breathing exercise to clear your mind.


If you find yourself needing additional assistance on a topic, APUS students are eligible for 10 free hours of tutoring through Their tutors can also provide you with help in studying and test preparation. Visit the Trefry Library to learn more.

If you have questions regarding disability services accommodations (DSA), please contact the DSA Office at [email protected]. Information regarding the DSA process may also be found in the Student Handbook.