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Unlock the Power of Your Experience: Prior Learning Assessment

Imagine earning college credit for the knowledge you have gained outside of traditional classrooms. Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) offers you a direct route to recognize your real-world expertise, providing three compelling advantages:

  • Efficiency in Learning: Say goodbye to redundant material. PLA acknowledges the skills and knowledge you already possess, ensuring you focus on new and challenging concepts
  • Accelerated Degree Completion: Shorten your journey to graduation. By receiving credit for your prior learning, you can potentially shave months off your degree timeline
  • Financial Savings: Every credit earned through PLA is a step towards reducing your tuition costs. Save money while validating your valuable experiences

The Landscape of Prior Learning

Universities have a rich history of supporting students in expediting their educational paths, with prior learning being a key avenue. Since the 1970s, various pathways have emerged for students to demonstrate their expertise:

At the American Public University System (APUS), we embrace all these avenues for awarding college credit to deserving students. Our PLA program, a flagship initiative, reached a significant milestone in March 2024, awarding over 3864 credit hours through a robust portfolio approach.

Your Expertise Counts

Millions of Americans have amassed knowledge through work experience or passionate hobbies like volunteerism. Many have accumulated college credits without completing a degree. Your unique learning journey can now translate into tangible academic achievements.

Crafting Your Portfolio for Success

Beyond standardized exams, you have the opportunity to create a portfolio showcasing your mastery of specific course material. Through the PLA program, students have earned up to 30 credits, savings ranging from $10,500-$12,700. This translates to reaching their degree goals months, even a year and a half, sooner.

Both undergraduate and graduate students pursuing a degree program qualify for this transformative program, reflecting our commitment at APUS to empower your educational aspirations.

Ready to Embrace Your Journey?

At APUS, we take pride in offering one of the most comprehensive and esteemed Prior Learning Assessment programs in higher education. We are here to guide you through the process. Reach out to us at [email protected] to embark on a transformative educational experience.

Do not just learn—prove your expertise and thrive with Prior Learning Assessment at APUS!

For more information, please email [email protected] or visit Prior Learning Assessment: Using Experience for Credit.